Different methods
Expert advice
Removing Paint From Brick Walls can be damaging to the Brickwork if not undertaken carefully. Removal of paint from Masonry in our experience is best undertaken using low abrasion methods. This includes broadly stripping or dissolving paint through, heat, steam or chemicals.
For years we used pressure-controlled blasting equipment, using fine sand, walnut shells etc. However, we no longer use or recommend this method as quite simply, it will always damage the brickwork to some degree (unless it is a particularly hard brick).
Some examples
Some favourite paint removal techniques
We have removed paint from many many buildings using non-abrasive and non-damaging methods, here are some of our favourite techniques;
This is essentially a large pressure washer that superheats water to steam. It is good for removing less heavy-duty paints on its own, or using with other chemicals which dissolve the paints to then remove and clean the brickwork. The machines can be hired or specialists used to operate them.
We have great success in using solvents to dissolve paints. We will often place a film over the solvent to allow it to soak into the paint without evaporating. The paint is then cleaned off with a pressure washer or Brush.
Poultice type paint removal (Kling Strip as other such products) have their place but ultimately the underlying paint will dictate what chemical to be used. Be careful – get Alkaline chemicals anywhere near timber and it will stain.
Hydrochloric Acid can be used to dissolve Limewash. Hydrochloric Acid is horrible stuff and there are serious H&S implications.

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